Helping Minds Animation – NDIS Explainer

Explainer Animation / Product Animation

Helping Minds Animation – NDIS Explainer

2177 Views Animation

We created this Helping Minds Animation in collaboration with Helping Minds to help give a little more information on the newly rolled out NDIS system. NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme and is implemented by the National Disability Insurance Agency. It’s the government’s new way of providing a range of support to Australian Citizens and residents under the age of 65 who have a disability.

We decided that we didn’t want to make this animation too real-life-based as it’s considered a heavy topic. So we presented it in a lighter way so that people could engage and relate to it.

Visit the Helping Minds website to learn more.


Helping Minds


June 26, 2019

My Team

Adam Auzins

