Animation: Tiny Beetle, Big Threat in Perths Suburbs

Animation: Tiny Beetle, Big Threat in Perths Suburbs

718 Views Animation / Video

This eye-catching animation created and producer by Studio Orange Perth, commissioned by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD), reveals the hidden menace lurking in your backyard: the Polyphagous Shot-Hole Borer (PSHB)!

Protect WA’s precious trees by learning to identify this invasive beetle and its damage. Discover:

  • What the PSHB looks like: Get up close and personal with this tiny villain.
  • Signs of infestation: Learn how to spot the telltale symptoms in your trees.
  • The damage it causes: See how this beetle wreaks havoc on our urban forests.
  • What you can do to help: Take action to save your trees and prevent the spread!

This video is for ALL Western Australians! Share it with your family, friends, and neighbors. Together, we can stop the PSHB and protect our green spaces!


Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development


February 8, 2024

My Team

Michael Long, Nikayla Stern, Anja Mahlberg


Animation / Video